Amongst the darkness.
Finding someone that deserved to be loved was something he felt when she shut her eyes. The sadness in her smile that showed a genuine nature. She was smiling through a whole lot of betrayal, pain and loss only to give him what’s left of what was always a genuine heart. She loved all of them madly at points, sometimes beyond her capabilities, her boundaries and her time. Yes, maybe it was wrong, but who could have known what time brings? Everybody has battle scars, especially if you have lived a full life.
He got up and left for work. All of the urgencies, stresses and functional necessities of life working pinpricks into his waking mind. Such a heavy load, survival let alone comfort. He walked out the door with all of those things pushing intention into his stride. Along by the front gate a hibiscus bobbed in the wind, beautiful, delicate but standing up to the gusts none the less. There was something there that reminded him of why he was doing all this in the first place. He stopped, turned around in his tracks, and walked straight back through the bedroom door. He gazed at her sleeping and he ran his fingers through her messy hair. The thing she had asked him so many times if it looked alright or she was so worried about before going anywhere short of a beach. He understood, she had been teased as a child, her tresses and fuzzy bits made fun of. So he just had patience and told her it looked wonderful every time. Even if sometimes it didnt as much as the previous time.
He stole one last kiss and she didnt wake up.
He knew she wouldnt know but as he left again, a very slight smile flickered accross her face as he looked back one more time. Then he knew he had done something with his day. Maybe, in a way more important than anything else, and she wouldnt know, perhaps it would only be a nuance in a dream but he smiled while driving to work. The kind of cheeky grin that would have everybody say “What’s up?”
It was just the thought of her drinking her morning coffee in an old shirt and nothing else. Smiling and not quite knowing why.
I pray in the name of Yeshua, freedom from low self-esteem, freedom from all addictions, freedom from narcissism and false humility, an increase in meaningful connection with other people, joy in your life, and an increase in creative abilities. Shalom aleichem.
All these things for you and a relationship with God in the name of Yeshua
I also pray in the name of Yeshua for you a freedom from perversion and confusion. I pray for a healing of your past wounds, emotional, spiritual, and metal, and a release from fear. Shalam shalom.
Hmmm…I am sorry. I have a perfectly good life, many good close friends and love in my life without a need for your prayers. I am not sure what your personal issues are but I think you may need the prayers you are affording me yourself. Especially as you deem yourself grandiose enough to pass judgement on subjects you have no personal knowledge or understanding of.To be frank it really just points out exactly how much critical thinking is missing from your reasoning. Good luck worshiping false prophets and narcissists yourself. After all the devil was actually beautiful in appearance so as to fool the sheep. Deliver yourself from your own narcissism, addiction to presumption, judgement and ignorant superiority complexes. As for drugs please lay off the pipe buddy. you sound like a religious zealot with meth psychosis.
sniff…sniff…got the scent of a.i. practising mild slander, bland trollness? whatcha got as persons, you two? legs and stuff?
Hmmm….I have actually no idea what you mean at all. I just assume this was a vieled attack from a person with internal issues. (Not you. ) Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things considering all that is the vastness of the internet and the world it’s minuscule.
Hmmm…i would value the criticism if it actually had any real content to it. Strangely this was actually based of a real event so it not being sincere would be a moot point.
Tbh…just feather in the wind in the vastness of people who have an opinion negative or positive.
I found this writing to be quite insincere. As if the writer was trying to appear deep or loving but was neither. Pretentious. Sophomoric. The talent’s just not there.
Your opinion means literally nothing to me.
Strikes me that you are the type of person that goes around critiquing other people who are are actually active in the poetry world. Being a critic is like being nothing tbh. Its worthless, does nothing to improve anything and I place no value on it. Take your pretentious sophomoric and insecure ass and do something!