I know what i’m doing but i don’t learn from experience.
What hope! when the moon’s horn penetrates Venus
& Ur anus [typo] presents itself in my House.
It’s a joke. a misfortune; i’ve the fatal flaw
Aeschylus dreams about.
They fall on the pavement,
slip thru my fingers & i’m fixed by the mess of coppers
& silvers. Some old fucker says
You Shouldn’t Throw Your Money Away
like he’s giving me some life fucking lesson;
(he’s fucked now, & his wife, who says nothing)
condescends, runs his nail across the boy’s palm. She smiles, meanwhile,
Cries of Victory! mingle
with our Voluble
you mis-read us.
you do not understand.
we have lain
discipline; drive
over the Kaimais,
the long haul
from Judea
(Bethlehem?) or
some-fuckin-where –
a memory, i think
not mine.
why i’m mad. dactyl
half the time
pillaging trash bins
drumming on the table
cos i’m waiting. waiting
still & you start yr chainsaw.
is it necessary to do this now?
history won’t count it, the mass
at their business, harvesting
winters & the lord
in his tower showering
the kingdom is yours
for a price. i want out,
eventually. shares
in the economy.
down with
workers, masters; wall.
burn the churches, God is
real. in you
hammering wood, concrete. metal.
toward, away from – the hare &
(could murder a pint
rite about————————————————
) never still.
do me in.
blood spots.
justice is stupid.
words aren’t real from
context/blind in
wind. lost in, removed
therefrom my heart
what i feel what i touch.
we are sucked
for something we didn’t do.
fuck you & fuck your god
april 2019
gods, I mean…it sometimes see your poems like a teenager climbing over statues and monuments with spray cans laying graffiti…good graffiti, not vandalism
like that idea very much. i know what you mean! thanks for reading & commenting, Dean
Hi Mark, and enjoyable bizarre cacophony of randomness, tiny windows into the invention that is self, it that is interesting that every situation imaginable what everit that is interesting that every situation imaginable what ever societal stage the world is at the Greeks (by which I mean antiquities) played it out inside their fables and accounts of behaviours of the god