Fuck Recycling I’ve grown up believing that the environments problems were mine, that as a consumer I possessed the answer I believe that was pure bullshit I believe that the environmental issues that we all face are a matter for government and the state to make the difficult hard decisions that need to be made…
Author: Flake
I can’t tell you what I’m seeing, groups of thug youths, with real, sex and violence on their minds, all over me hitting shop windows with fists a toddlers drum, perfectly contained “Beautiful Bitches’ spat from one of the innocents looking for all the action they can handle, the street out side mcdonalds, as mainstream…
Unemployed artist
I’m redundant Woman can reproduced themselves, with a few simple tools found in any supermarket. Or just made up, there’s no stopping this, it can happen anyway Men are seed carriers, we have become biological slaves, the way woman were, the way we helped to keep them for so long, woman now rise like the…
White folk running back to their neighborhood prisons
The still of the hill. New Zealand duck farm fences shattered lakes and 90% rivers unclean Prime Minister says its alright he’ll swim in them, never caught drinking it though. Dead floating ripples of silver head lights of winters holiday house for two million feet exclusive beach front ownership. Locals white and friendly dumb Feed…