There is a hex on our time, a popsicle melting in the miscellany of summer days pooling the iridescent depths of the lens, each high noon startled to deep blue fluorescence and fraught immemorial, pinned like a moth against the montane spread of cumulous ranges. I watch as it all flakes to motes for the…
Month: December 2020
2 wrongs
to forgive is a cop-out & a lie. if you have ever tried, you know. you don’t succeed, even if you think you do & it kills you – the wound plastered. the second wrong is to do nothing about the first. the soul flushed on one side, smarts & festers. the one…
The Long Window
Long windows set in stone, two up and two down. This building stands apart in a village notable for despair: the streets are empty and wide, made for horse, carriage, the drover’s dog. A small park circled by iron, houses cling to life. And those windows, where spiders crawl and weave. Inside, tapping – an…