rock’n’roll sutra waves that last the length they were born to rising to fall swinging to straight tree-waves star-waves wind-waves mountain-waves snake-waves lizard-waves smile-waves hand-waves arse-waves horse-waves lake-waves philosopher-waves word-waves earthquake-waves historic-waves fist-waves raving man-waves man-wave more born in the rising than the going of them what drives this ocean of space to ripple…
Month: February 2016
kill me
Would I step upon the man I was as I would the grave; walk away from the shrill light of day, in new skin; the white din of gulls on the spray; thru the moon-lit path, like a white line across the blackness of my heart? Yes, ok. 30-31 October 2015
Poetry I’d Handled Till It Softened
& Would Not Stand On Its Own That’s me, at the Mirror of Remembrance, I’m wearing a snakeskin cap, I think it is real, it says leather on the label, it states, in tart magenta-pink embroidery: ‘Skin’. Not sure what it is alluding to, but as I revisit old poems short of being finished it…
really, it’s just a scratch
It’s nothing, whatever happens, and it’s better for me to be like nothing, less than a shadow. It won’t matter. But who knows how her flowers grow…now; in my cellar. There’s wine and the dank air blends fine with the cold salted meats stone and brick and bread that’s hard and good to eat,…
We are lost in the misty gorges Where the water hangs Pendulous and shiny Waiting for earth’s pull. We are lost on the road to nowhere, Looking for direction On a sweeping hard corner, Losing control on scuttling shingle. We look to the horizon for guidance, Seek the truth of time, yet It is stolen…
The Crack Container
The yellow Volkswagen by the blue green sea has someone in the back— they’re fast asleep, dreaming of the Japanese order of things. The sea has a dark green ring where the horizon starts like the outer edge of the eyes and after the horizon, when it’s dark, like the pupil at the centre of…
wish koh samui an island its round of beaches the blood-warm sea grazing the dark of evening with her her sister we were sitting under the thatch looking out to the mainland unknown line from which we’d come watching the clouds hatch dry lightning light stitched across seconds of sky i wished myself there…
for love
for love when my aunty heard the news her grandson her ‘boy’ she’d say killed head-on just starting to fit the frame of a grown man she stopped dead in her tracks two days on. she had lived though years of rationing, long silences out on the farm moving to a small town with…
I look to the emptiness still
I look to the emptiness still; the pool rippling like jewels in streetlight. Tonight there is no moon. But me, and you inside me beating still. The water is beautiful, and the air is still. My boots soon shall start the long steps to you. I will one night turn…
there are ways to walk, tread softly I would hear you speak in lilting tones there is hope displayed, in crinkling laughter the lines around your eyes, portrayed the mists of time cloak us, invite stillness where did we wander years ago? the sun ignites ,an earth is trembling moon draws ocean, on and oh…
Dark Lane
In this sunless alleyway shadows slap damp walls, propped up by scissor legs beneath pouting slash smiles. This is the place to meet trouble and pretence, a packet in a curled hand, to feel the city’s tubercular heart. Slits of bouncing light seek out dusty corners, besmeared lips, the frosted coolness of glass. Linger, if…
I bear it more when I think of your suffering so, in love. Keep it, as you do, though it burns, that secret jewel. But I knew. Like veins cracks showed in the eyes; and the skin glowed, turned pale; and all of your fingers were broken. 21 October, 2016